Spring Hiking Clothes
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Spring Hiking Clothes

It is finally MAY! Which means warmer weather and hiking during the weekends. It snows quite a bit in Durango, CO, and even more in the surrounding mountains. So as the snow melts during the spring, the weather and terrain can be unpredictable. Each year may differ as to how much snow we get, so ensuring you are prepared with your hiking attire is super important. So here are my go-to recommendations for what I like to wear during the spring when I go hiking.

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My Fitness Journey - Updated 2021
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

My Fitness Journey - Updated 2021

Everyone has their own life journey. Everyone is on their own life-long timeline, and no two people will be on the same path. Fitness is no different. Everyone has different goals and different approaches to those goals. Everyone begins at different times and levels. I thought I’d take a moment to write about my fitness journey and how far I’ve come during my fitness journey.

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Why Getting Outside Can Improve Your Mood
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Why Getting Outside Can Improve Your Mood

Do you ever feel extra down and lethargic during the winter months, when you’re staying inside most often? This can be considered a form of seasonal depression. This may or may not even affect every person and often affects those who already suffer from other mental disorders. The time indoors and shorter amount of sunlight will typically add to already existing mental conditions. Symptoms include increased depression during specific times of the year.

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Spring 2021 Fitness Goals
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Spring 2021 Fitness Goals

Having goals can be very beneficial to staying motivated. I love changing my fitness goals, reevaluating and continuously updating my fitness goals. I wrote a previous post about my Fall 2020 Fitness Goals. So I thought I’d write an update on how those fitness goals are going and how my goals have changed. Fitness and having a routine are so important to me. I THRIVE off of having a routine. I NEED my fitness routine for my mental health. Granted, it is not a fix-all, but it most definitely helps me significantly. I have been setting goals very slowly and strategically so that I can create habits. If I change all the things at one time, I will be less likely to stick to any of them. But setting one at a time and allowing that change to be a habit before adding something else most definitely increases my ability to make new habits.

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My Workout Essentials
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

My Workout Essentials

As 2021 begins, determining whether you want to workout at the gym or at home has become a hot topic. For me, last year was very difficult to maintain any type of fitness routine. My gym closed, then reopened and I was not interested in going to the gym during the COVID-19 pandemic. So I began running and doing home workouts and I’ve narrowed down some workout essentials for a minimalist home gym.

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Goals for 2021
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Goals for 2021

2020 was a weird year, no doubt about that. Everyone had their own experience navigating the continuous changes that this past year brought to us. I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on my 2020 experiences before getting into my goals for the year 2021.

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Holiday Gift Guide for the Health and Fitness Enthusiast

Holiday Gift Guide for the Health and Fitness Enthusiast

The holidays can be a hectic time of year between buying work, family, and buying holiday gifts. Gifts for the health and fitness enthusiasts can be difficult to navigate if you’ve got no clue about the world of health and fitness. I love health and fitness and receiving a gift related to health and fitness would be my favorite thing.

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Exercise to Relieve Stress
exercise, stress, fitness Stacey Behrends exercise, stress, fitness Stacey Behrends

Exercise to Relieve Stress

Most of the general population lives their lives in a state of stress. Without an outlet to relieve that stress, your mental and physical health can be at stake. A lot of common stress is caused by work, finances, family, and friends. Having a regular exercise program is not only beneficial to your physical well-being, but also to your mental health. Whether it be a structured program, strength training, running, yoga, HIIT workouts, circuits, or simply getting outside to walk, some form of exercise is better than nothing in most cases.

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Active Wear Favorites
activewear Stacey Behrends activewear Stacey Behrends

Active Wear Favorites

Choosing quality active wear, I want my pieces to last. I am picky. So, when I find something I like, I want one in every color! But I am trying to make more conscious purchasing decisions, in general, and only buying anything when I need it. So since I already have so much active wear, I am not buying anything new for a while. Both Under Armour and Fabletics are most definitely my go to brands when I am in need of more active wear.

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A Sunrise Hike
hiking, sunrise hike Stacey Behrends hiking, sunrise hike Stacey Behrends

A Sunrise Hike

The sense of accomplishment you feel for completing a sunrise hike is so great. Getting up early to hike up a mountain in the dark can be very rewarding when getting to the top just as it begins to get lighter and you feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. The colors in the sky begins to light up and colors begin to change. You see the yellows and golds mixed with pinks and purples on the horizon as the sun slowly begins to appear lighting up the sky even more. The colors change even more becoming more vibrant and the beauty makes the dark hike even more worth it

Completing a sunrise hike can be incredibly rewarding. Watching the sky change colors and feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin is a beautiful experience. If you're visiting Durango, Colorado, here are some hikes to plan for a stunning sunrise view. Even if you're not a morning person, you might find it surprisingly pleasant.

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What is Yoga?
yoga Stacey Behrends yoga Stacey Behrends

What is Yoga?

Have you heard someone talk about their yoga practice and wonder what that even means? In this two part series, I break down what yoga is as well as provide an ultimate beginners guide to yoga. In part one, I discuss the different styles of yoga and a brief history of where yoga even came from. Part two, I give you a detailed list of recommended products for beginners as well as where to find quality videos to get started practicing at home.

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Labor Day
holidays, labor day Stacey Behrends holidays, labor day Stacey Behrends

Labor Day

Labor day is September 7th this year, so I thought, I’d reflect about what this national holiday means to me in my life. Most of the time we think about it giving a lot of us a 3-day weekend and as a marker to the end of summer. Many people have one last BBQ to celebrate. But what about the history behind Labor Day?

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Reasons to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Reasons to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Health and fitness are apart of my everyday life, but what motivates me? There are many reasons to be healthy, but most importantly, I’d like to continuously improve my quality of life. Living a healthy and active lifestyle help me achieve just that. Maybe you can find some motivation in my reasons why.

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5 Tips For Hiking with Dogs
hiking, backpacking, dogs, active lifestyle Stacey Behrends hiking, backpacking, dogs, active lifestyle Stacey Behrends

5 Tips For Hiking with Dogs

Taking your dog on a hike is an excellent way for you and your dog to get some activity in. Most dogs love being outside, and I know my dog does. Miss Lyla LOVES being outside. I do not have a yard to run around in, but we go on walks and lots of hikes to allow her to get her exercise in. Here are some tips for hiking safely with your dog.

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HelloFresh Review - Is it Worth the Price?

HelloFresh Review - Is it Worth the Price?

HelloFresh honest review. HelloFresh delivers pre-measured, fresh, sustainable recipe ready ingredients delivered straight to your door. This is an non-sponsored and unbiased review. Each week you can choose from 20 available recipes and choose what you want, or let it be a surprise!

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How I Stay Active, Even When I Don’t Want To
healthy habits, active lifestyle, fitness Stacey Behrends healthy habits, active lifestyle, fitness Stacey Behrends

How I Stay Active, Even When I Don’t Want To

Like anyone, I always have days where I just want to sit and binge the latest shows on Netflix. But I know that my body and mind likes it much better when I am active. If I am sedentary for too long, either I fall asleep more than I need to or I get restless and my mind starts to wonder into negative headspace. Physical activity definitely helps with this, probably more than I realized…..

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