Easy Health and Fitness Habits to Change in 2023
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Easy Health and Fitness Habits to Change in 2023

Everyone has great intentions when they create health and fitness goals in the New Year. But as January closes, you begin to fall off those new goals and habits you want to work on this year. Trust me; I have been there. ESPECIALLY after the holidays.

In recent years, I have been making my “new year” goals in November. This way I can work toward my goals during the holiday season. This is not to say that I do not indulge in the holidays. I most DEFINITELY do. I LOVE holiday sweets. I haven’t been very consistent with my fitness goals this past couple of years. So this past holiday season, I made my “new year” goal to get back to consistency with my fitness and nutrition. During the final two weeks of December, I was not the most consistent as I had been enjoying the holiday, but those two weeks were not enough to derail all the progress I had been working toward the last two months.

I wrote a couple of different blog posts about goals and habit setting. I’ve also written a post about how to make changes to your fitness goals if you’re struggling. Give those posts a read if you haven’t already. If you want to take baby steps toward your health and fitness goals, read the tips below that you can change today.

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Keeping up with your goals
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Keeping up with your goals

As we move through January, it may seem complicated to keep up with your goals at the beginning of the Year. This is the time to reevaluate the barriers you are running into that may keep you from working toward your goals.

I know after a couple of weeks, old habits start to take over, and progress toward new habits starts to slow. It is incredibly hard to break habits and create new ones. This is the time to work on self-discipline.

Discipline > Motivation

You cannot rely on motivation to keep you going. You must work on discipline when you no longer feel that “New Year” motivation. This will help you work toward changing your habits to achieve your goals.

I wrote a post about how to create your goals, as well as this one about how to create new habits. Both posts are all about sustainably creating goals and habits. But, even the best-planned changes run into roadblocks.

Those posts are great places to start if you’re beginning your new goals. Even if you’re beginning to run into roadblocks, you can benefit from the information in those posts. You can evaluate your goals to see if you began in ways that promote habits that will achieve your goals., or if you tried to make too many changes at once.

If you’ve gone through the whole process and feel you’re still losing motivation. Here are some tips to help you keep up with your goals.

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How to Create (and Keep) Good Habits
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

How to Create (and Keep) Good Habits

Are you looking to form good habits to help you stay fit and healthy? We all know that staying fit is essential for a long and healthy life, and the best way to achieve that is by forming good habits that you can practice regularly. In this blog post, I will discuss some simple habits you can start doing today to stay fit and reach your goals.

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Setting Fitness Goals 2023
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Setting Fitness Goals 2023

Have you ever intended to start a fitness journey? Then not long after you began, you decide to stop because you don’t see results? The first step is to set goals, so knowing how to set healthy fitness goals is extremely important so that you can achieve your goals.

I LOVE setting goals. It helps me stay motivated (as motivation is unreliable) to work towards my goal. By setting mini-goals to achieve that will ultimately achieve my long-term goals, I can have mini-celebrations along the way and enjoy the journey rather than only looking toward the end goal.

A fitness journey isn’t just about your workouts but also includes creating healthy nutrition habits. I cannot stress enough how important nutrition is in creating a healthy lifestyle. Several tips are listed below about setting goals to achieve and MAINTAIN your fitness goals.

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My Fitness Must Haves
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

My Fitness Must Haves

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your fitness routine? My blog post, My Fitness Must Haves, can help! From the latest fitness apparel to tips on staying active and healthy, our blog has everything you need to stay fit and motivated.

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The Ultimate Fitness Enthusiast Gift Guide 2022
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

The Ultimate Fitness Enthusiast Gift Guide 2022

Looking for the perfect gift for the fitness enthusiast in your life? Look no further! My selection of fitness gift ideas will make anyone feel like a champ. Get ready to give the gift of health and happiness this holiday season!

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Three Tips for Fitness Goals and the Holidays
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Three Tips for Fitness Goals and the Holidays

The holiday season is upon us! This invariably means there are food and family/friends holiday events that you may be juggling to keep up with. You may struggle to keep up with your regular fitness routine to add to those family/friends’ holiday events. You may also find many yummy holiday treats and foods you want to try.

Throughout the years, I have learned several tips and tricks for keeping up with my fitness goals. So if that is something you are interested in, keep reading as I go through my top three tips for keeping up with your fitness goals this holiday season.

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My Current Fitness Goals 2022
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

My Current Fitness Goals 2022

My fitness journey began about a decade ago with my discovery of yoga. After going to my local yoga studio every single day, I discovered circuit training, which inspired me to learn more about strength training. I fell in love with pushing my body and those gym endorphins. After I moved to Durango, I fell in love with hiking and backpacking. After all of that, I wanted to learn more. I got my NASM-CPT in 2020 and then got a job at the rec center teaching fitness classes. I am so excited for the future ahead with my career and my current fitness goals.

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My Fitness Journey. pt 2
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

My Fitness Journey. pt 2

My fitness journey began about a decade ago with my discovery of yoga. After going to my local yoga studio every single day, I discovered circuit training, which inspired me to learn more about strength training. I fell in love with pushing my body and those gym endorphins. After I moved to Durango, I fell in love with hiking and backpacking. After all of that, I wanted to learn more. I got my NASM-CPT in 2020 and then got a job at the rec center teaching fitness classes. I am so excited for the future ahead with my career and my current fitness goals.

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My Fitness Journey
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

My Fitness Journey

My fitness journey began about a decade ago with my discovery of yoga. After going to my local yoga studio every single day for some time, I discovered circuit training which then inspired me to learn more about strength training. I fell in love with pushing my body and those gym endorphins. After I moved to Durango, I fell in love with hiking and backpacking. After all of that, I wanted to learn more. I got my NASM-CPT in 2020 and then got a job at the rec center teaching fitness classes. I am so excited for the future that is ahead with my career as well as my current fitness goals.

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6 Tips to Stay Motivated
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

6 Tips to Stay Motivated

You know that motivation comes and goes if you are on any fitness journey. Now that it is March, are you struggling to maintain that motivation from the new year? You probably are not alone. By now, many people have stopped working toward their goals entirely because they feel like they lack the motivation to keep going.

I know for me, I cannot rely on motivation. I am not motivated all of the time. Honestly, I am hardly ever actually motivated. It is so easy not to go to the gym, sit at home, and order food. But I know that I absolutely cannot do that long-term for me. I have learned over the many years that I feel so heavy and extra lethargic when I don’t eat right and move my body.

There are many many tips to stay motivated all over the internet. But not all of those tips work for everyone. So I thought that I would share the top six tips that work best for me to work toward my fitness goals continuously. These tips are centered around fitness goals but can be applied to other goals in life.

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Business, Health and Life Goals 2022
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Business, Health and Life Goals 2022

I was going to make these three topics all different blog posts, but I didn’t want to go into full detail about each of these topics. Some of which I am not totally ready to talk about all of the details. So instead, I am going to write about all of these things in this one post.

When it comes to my business goals, my approach is the same. I am starting off slow, steady, and focusing on consistency. Last year, I had some really lofty goals with my business and I did not achieve any of them. So this year I am making my goals very simple as a kind of reoccurring theme for all of my goals this year. I want to focus on one or two aspects of where I want to grow and try to remain consistent with those things.

My health and life goals go together. I am continuing with simplifying and consistency. I want to do so many things in life, but I try to do them all and I get overwhelmed then do none of them. So in order to avoid that burnout feeling I am just prioritizing the things I want to implement into my daily life.

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Fitness Goals 2022
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Fitness Goals 2022

The year 2021 was very interesting. I tried like I do every year to jump right into my fitness goals with the all-or-nothing kind of mindset. I do this every single year and then fail to keep it up. So my approach this year is to create habits to start slow to avoid injuries as well as burnout really fast and then stop everything altogether.

I am no longer focusing on my long-term fitness goals but instead creating consistency in my short-term mini-goals that will help me reach those long-term goals.

I started my new approach in December, rather than waiting until January to begin just because I wanted to get started. By doing that unintentionally, it kick-started my motivation to keep it up. I love having this mindset toward achieving my fitness goals. My fitness journey will forever evolve and change as I reach all of my mini-goals along the way.

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2022 New Year’s Goals
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

2022 New Year’s Goals

The past couple of years has been a struggle due to current events. I had big plans, but life and other things got in the way. While I want to achieve those goals, my goals for 2022 are simplified to focus on consistency and habit building to get started achieving those larger goals. By creating a solid foundation sets the tone for future goal setting.

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Summer 2021 Fitness Goals
goals Stacey Behrends goals Stacey Behrends

Summer 2021 Fitness Goals

Having goals can be very beneficial to staying motivated. I love changing my fitness goals, reevaluating, and continuously updating my fitness goals. Fitness and having a routine are so necessary to me as I THRIVE off of having a routine. I have been setting goals very slowly and strategically so that I can create habits. If I change things simultaneously, I will be less likely to stick to any of them. But setting one at a time and allowing that change to be a habit before adding something else most definitely increases my ability to make new habits. | Click to read my most recent fitness goals!

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Backpacking Essentials
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Backpacking Essentials

What is backpacking? It is a long hiking trip in which you carry enough gear to set up camp for a few nights as you complete your long hike. What essential products do you need for your long hiking trip to sleep in the woods? Read more to find out my recommendations!

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Circuit Style Training
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Circuit Style Training

Not everyone has the time to spend hours at the gym multiple times a week. In as little as 30 minutes, you can get a full body and cardio workout that can still burn a good amount of calories, help build strength, and build muscle and cardiovascular endurance with circuit-style training. Follow these steps to build the perfect circuit training program for you!

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My Home Gym
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

My Home Gym

I love to workout out. I loved going to the gym every day, just for my me time. But then the pandemic hit, and all the gyms were closed. I stopped going to the gym completely. I started running, but that still was not enough for me. I really missed strength training. Though gyms began to open back up, I still was uncomfortable with workout out at the gym. I started doing some workouts at home with resistance bands, but that still was not enough. So when I had the opportunity, I created my home gym. I am so happy with what I have. It makes it so much better to work out and film my workouts at the home gym, so here are all of the equipment that I purchased for my home gym.

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What to Pack in Your Hiking Day Pack
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

What to Pack in Your Hiking Day Pack

As my last few posts have stated, I LOVE hiking and backpacking. I also love to make sure I am prepared for my hiking trips. I always have the 10 essentials with me at all times. These necessities may be different for each person, but the basics will be the same for everyone. I will share what I personally bring with me in my day pack and why I choose these specific items.

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Spring Hiking Tips
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Spring Hiking Tips

I love hiking. I moved from Denver, CO to Durango, CO, a small mountain town about six hours southwest of Denver. I loved all of the many opportunities that are available for hiking. There are so many different hiking trails in town. Even access to a 16-mile trail right outside my home. In addition, there are so many nearby towns with hiking trails just a short drive away. I love having the opportunity to go hiking as often as we possibly can. So there are several things that you may need to know to be prepared for hiking during the spring.

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