Ultimate Beginners Guide to Yoga
yoga Stacey Behrends yoga Stacey Behrends

Ultimate Beginners Guide to Yoga

Have you heard someone talk about their yoga practice and wonder what that even means? In this two part series, I break down what yoga is as well as provide an ultimate beginners guide to yoga. In part one, I discuss the different styles of yoga and a brief history of where yoga even came from. Part two, I give you a list of recommended products and videos to get started at home.

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5 Meal Prep Tips
nutrition, nutrition tips, meal prep Stacey Behrends nutrition, nutrition tips, meal prep Stacey Behrends

5 Meal Prep Tips

Nutrition is key to any fitness goal, whether you want to lose weight or build muscle. Making meals every day to help you achieve those goals can become very time-consuming. I know I do not have time for that. I don’t have much energy to cook during the weekends, let alone three meals a day. If I don’t cook or prep food, I eat fewer healthy options.

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Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Chronic inflammation can cause a multitude of problems such as weight gain and disease. By eating foods that have anti-inflammatory properties, you can reduce symptoms from chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Not only that but it may help prevent inflammatory diseases. In addition, cutting out foods that cause inflammation is recommended.

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My Favorite Supplements
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

My Favorite Supplements

Supplements are not a substitute for eating whole, nutritious foods. But instead, it is a supplement to fill in the gaps you may not get in your diet. This list is simply the supplements that I use daily. They are the products that make a difference in my overall health and workout performance.

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Meal Planning to Reach Your Fitness Goals
nutrition, nutrition tips, meal planning tips Stacey Behrends nutrition, nutrition tips, meal planning tips Stacey Behrends

Meal Planning to Reach Your Fitness Goals

For any fitness goals, it is best to individualize what you are doing based on your individual goals and needs. Whether your goals are to lose weight, gain muscle mass or simply eat healthier, if you are doing something that you can’t stick to, then you are setting yourself up for failure. Whether you meal prep or calorie count, planning your meals is so important and beneficial to reaching your fitness goals. So pick something you can stick to and don’t be afraid to try a different approach. Maybe a nutrition and/or fitness coach would be beneficial to help guide you toward the right approach just for you.

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Fitness Journey - Update
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Fitness Journey - Update

I have been working on consistency with my workouts and nutrition. I have been working on improving my muscular foundation and cardiovascular endurance. I still struggle with the on-and-off situation but have been on it for the last two months. I am trying to listen to my body, take rest days when needed, and take active rest days. I am more proud of myself and my progress in the last two months than during my fitness journey.

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My Current Workout Split
workout type, my workout, fitness Stacey Behrends workout type, my workout, fitness Stacey Behrends

My Current Workout Split

What is a workout split? This workout strategy splits your workouts during the week into different body parts. I like to have my leg days at least two days apart to promote recovery while I work on my upper body. I am also improving my cardiovascular endurance, so I am incorporating cardio into my strength training routine with the Nike Running Club App 18-week program for Training for a Marathon.

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Spring Outdoor Activity Ideas
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Spring Outdoor Activity Ideas

The days are warmer after winter, and it feels more like spring! This gets me so excited to spend some time outside. I am a huge homebody, so I often tend to stay home, especially in the winter; I wouldn't say I like going anywhere when it’s cold. I am always so excited to get outside when it starts getting warm outside.

Seasonal depression is a real thing. My whole mood changes when I get some warm weather and sunlight. So as it gets warmer, I automatically think about what I can do for activities outdoors.

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Spring Hiking Tips
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Spring Hiking Tips

In the springtime, it is important to research the trail and be aware of the weather. It can rain most afternoons in the Rocky Mountains, so it is important to ensure you are always prepared.

The weather can be cooler n the Rocky Mountains and at higher elevations in the spring. Afternoon showers are expected in throughout the spring and summer. But since it is cooler in the spring, you may end up cold and miserable if you’re not prepared for cold weather. No one wants that. So being prepared for spring hiking is a must.

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My Favorite Activewear
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

My Favorite Activewear

I LOVE active wear! Having a cute, comfy outfit to work out in makes it much easier to get into the gym. I am a basic black legging, simple top, and colorful sports bra kind of girl. I do have a couple of matching sets, but nothing too crazy. I like what I like and feel confident in everything I own!

Check out the links below for my favorites if you want some new activewear. I tend to repurchase many of the same things; I don’t have time to return things I don’t like, so I stick to the same things I know that work. Below, I discuss my all-time favorite activewear brand and some Amazon favorites!

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How to Update your Fitness Goals
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

How to Update your Fitness Goals

GUYS, how are we in MARCH? I am still in awe about how fast time is going. Did you set New Year’s goals back in January? I most definitely did and then failed to achieve any of those goals. I have been struggling with some mental health things and finding the motivation to work out and eat nutritious foods.

I fell into bad habits of skipping workouts, eating many convenience foods, and ordering takeout. I did recognize that I was struggling with my mental health (and still am), so I would run on the treadmill as often as I had the mental energy. In detail, I discussed my previous blog post about my struggles over the past several months and how I can revive my motivation to get back into my workouts.

How do you feel about how you are doing with those goals? Now is a perfect time to revisit those goals and make any necessary changes you need to make to make it easier for you to work towards. I wrote a very detailed blog post about assessing your fitness goals to make sure your goals are achievable.

In this post, I will discuss how I update my fitness goals. I typically use some tips I used in the assessing fitness goals post, but I also look at a few other things. So read on if you’re interested in how I update my fitness goals occasionally.

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Fitness Motivation: Remember ‘Why’
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Fitness Motivation: Remember ‘Why’

Motivation comes and goes, and you cannot rely on motivation to keep up with your fitness goals. You will not always be motivated, and that is okay. Discipline and creating healthy habits will keep you going more than motivation.

However, from time to time, you need a little extra motivation. My biggest tip is to remember why you started in the first place. In my previous blog post, I discussed my overall mental health, how things are going right now, and how I am reviving my motivation to work toward my fitness goals.

In this post, I will dive into how remembering why you started can help you when you’re lacking motivation. This is something super personal to each individual, so remember that my reasons may differ from yours. It is okay to have your reasons to do anything, and no one owes anyone an explanation as to why.

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Revive Your Motivation: Fitness Goals
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Revive Your Motivation: Fitness Goals

I am ready to Get back into my fitness routine. Getting motivation has been minimal for me for the last few months. But I am not going to let that get me down. This post will be more about what I am doing to revive my motivation and create habits to help me work toward my goals. This will be a genuine and honest review of how it has been for the past few months and my plans going forward.

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Home Gym Must Haves
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Home Gym Must Haves

Build your perfect home gym with all the must-haves! No more excuses for not exercising - make it easy for yourself with all the essentials for the best at-home workout!

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My Fitness Goals 2023
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

My Fitness Goals 2023

As January closes, it is time to reassess your fitness goals. It is common to overdo it when making your goals at the beginning of the year. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the goals you created, now is a perfect time to take a step back and make some adjustments.

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