My Active Life - Stacey

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Spring Hiking Clothes

It is finally MAY! Which means warmer weather and hiking during the weekends. It snows quite a bit in Durango, CO, and even more in the surrounding mountains. So as the snow melts during the spring, the weather and terrain can be unpredictable. Each year may differ as to how much snow we get, so ensuring you are prepared with your hiking attire is super important. So here are my go-to recommendations for what I like to wear during the spring when I go hiking.

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Spring Weather

The weather in Colorado can be pretty unpredictable, especially during the Spring. Typically, it is fairly chilly in the morning and then warms up in the afternoon. It is not uncommon for it to rain at any time of day. While as it gets warmer during the day in the springtime, it can be quite chilly. It is a smart idea to ensure you’re prepared for the possibility of quick weather changes.


The biggest thing to look for when deciding what to wear hiking, any time of year, especially in the summer, is the material that the clothes are made out of. The best material is quick-drying and moisture-wicking. This way, if it rains or you sweat, it’ll dry quickly. If you’re caught in sudden cooler weather in wet clothing, you will be much colder than you would be in dry clothes. My favorite clothing is any activewear brand as they are made out of synthetic materials that are moisture-wicking and fast drying.

My favorite pants are from Columbia. Even the black colored pants are super flexible and breathable. I don’t ever overheat and if it rains, they dry so fast. The majority of the time, especially in the spring, I like to wear some kind of pants while hiking to protect my legs from the sun as well as from plant life as I am allergic to many types of plants. I also like to wear leggings, so long as they are a material that dries fast since leggings are skin-tight. If they were to get wet, didn’t dry quickly, I’d get cold fast if It suddenly got chilly.

As for shirts, I loveeee t-shirts during the spring. I get chilly FAST. I always have a long sleeve shirt on my shirts and tank tops make me too chilly and I like to have the option to take off the long sleeve shirt without getting toooooo chilly.

When it comes to footwear, waterproof is probably the best option at all times of the year, but especially during the spring. As the snow melts and spring showers, it can become pretty muddy. So having waterproof hiking boots/shoes is super important. I highly recommend having long moisture-wicking socks as well as an extra pair in your day pack.

Sun Protection

No matter what time of year you go hiking, sun protection is super important. I highly recommend having some hats. This will protect your face from the sun. My favorite hats are baseball caps that are made of similar material that activewear is made of. This way, the hat is really breathable to allow heat to escape, and any sweat or rain will dry quickly. Also, sunscreen is essential! I don’t care if you don’t get sunburned easily; wear your sunscreen!

When it isn’t too hot, having a long sleeve shirt and long pants can be a good option for sun protection. This way, you have less skin showing and less area to remember to apply sunscreen to.

Rain Protection

Having a poncho or a waterproof rain jacket in the event of a downpour is highly recommended to having in your day pack no matter the time of year you’re hiking. This way your clothes don’t get soaked. Even if your base layers are fast drying and moisture-wicking, it still takes some time to dry.

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I hope you found this informative and helpful to decide what to wear hiking during the springtime. What are your favorite clothing items to wear hiking?

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