My Fitness Goals 2023

As January closes, it is time to reassess your fitness goals. It is common to overdo it when making your goals at the beginning of the year. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the goals you created, now is a perfect time to take a step back and make some adjustments.

It is essential to ensure that your goals are achievable and that you’re not trying to make too many changes at once. I wrote several blog posts with tips and tricks about how to create goals, creating habits, how to keep up with your goals, and easy habits you can change today. I highly recommend reading how to keep up with your goals if you’re reassessing your goals. This one will have my biggest tips about goal setting.

In this post, I am going through my current fitness goals, how I have been going, and what I am changing. I love reassessing my goals every six weeks or so. A month seems like too little time, and anything longer than six weeks, I get bored and need a slight switch up on my workouts.

Goals Beginning 2023

My goals beginning the year are as follows

  1. Build muscle

  2. Workout daily

  3. Adjust nutrition to work toward my goals

  4. Stretch/yoga/mobility

  5. be able to do pull-ups

These are an overview of all of my goals. I usually break down my goals into smaller mini-goals that will build up to those bigger long-term goals.

  1. Build muscle

    1. eat high-protein meals to promote muscle growth and strength training five days a week.

    2. focus on unilateral movements to reduce muscle imbalances

    3. add abs into workouts three days a week as supersets

  2. Workout daily

    1. Five days of strength training

    2. two days of cardio

  3. Adjust nutrition to work toward my goals

    1. every six weeks, adjust nutrition goals based on the current goal

  4. Stretch/yoga/mobility

  5. be able to do pull-ups


About mid-January, I did a little bit of a reassessment of my goals. I was really on my fitness game throughout November and most of December. But I fell off just a bit, in terms of consistency, into the holidays and the first couple weeks of January. So a reassessment was much needed.

  1. Lose weight

    1. I have a little excess body fat I want to lose. This will allow me to see what my muscle looks like to reassess where to go with muscle growth

  2. Build muscle

    1. eat high-protein meals to promote muscle growth and strength training five days a week.

    2. eating higher protein while losing weight allows me to maintain my current muscle strength and promote increased muscle mass

    3. focus on unilateral movements to reduce muscle imbalances

    4. add abs into workouts three days a week as supersets

  3. Workout daily

    1. Five days of strength training. 30 min of cardio with upper body days and incline walk on lower body days

    2. two days of cardio

    3. walk 1 hour 5 days a week

  4. Adjust nutrition to work toward my goals

    1. every six weeks, adjust nutrition goals based on the current goal

    2. currently, I am eating a deficit to lose excess body fat

  5. Stretch/yoga/mobility

    1. Add dynamic warmup before all strength training workouts

    2. add a static stretch after leg days and on one cardio day

  6. improve abs strength

    1. add in abs workouts as a superset with every workout

    2. abs circuit on one cardio day

  7. be able to do pull-ups

    1. long band assisted pullups with every upper body workout

    2. work on abs strength

    3. work on upper back and lats strength

Current Goals

While my current goals have not changed as of the end of January, I will reassess my goals and make changes at that time in just a few weeks.

I feel good about where I am and where I am going. But I know that If I didn’t reassess my goals and created changes, I don’t know how much I would have stuck to my goals.

If you’re struggling to achieve your goals, read my previous posts to learn my biggest tips for creating goals and how to reassess when they’re not working for you.

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If you are here and reading this, you are interested in your health and fitness. That is so good; I am so excited for you! Taking care of your body is the best thing you can do for yourself in the present and the long term.

“Do something today that your future self will thank you for”

— unknown

I find that quote so inspiring. Hard work will pay off in the future, but you also have to live in the moment, and I feel like taking care of yourself is doing both. You are doing good for yourself now as well as for your future self.

If you are interested in learning more about health and fitness, follow me on Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram @myactivelife_stacey. I am now offering nutrition and personal training online coaching programs. These six-week programs are designed to help you create lifelong healthy habits with nutrition and fitness. Click here to learn more!

Subscribe to my newsletter at the bottom of the page to get tips on health and fitness-related things, along with some tips on outdoor activities sprinkled here and there. Thank you all for the support, and I’ll see you in the next post!

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    Stacey Behrends

    Stacey is a Colorado native who is passionate about living a healthy and active lifestyle. She write about all things health and fitness with outdoor activities such as backpacking and hiking. For more about the author read About Me

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