Beginners Guide to Backpacking
travel Stacey Behrends travel Stacey Behrends

Beginners Guide to Backpacking

Backpacking can be a fun method of camping and hiking all in one trip. However, it can be daunting for beginners, even experienced campers, as it's a very different experience. You must carry all your gear, so it's important to prepare everything - gear, food, and water - ahead of time to ensure your first backpacking trip goes smoothly. Additionally, it's crucial to practice leave-no-trace principles while on the trail.

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Travel - Trip Planning Guide w/Packing Checklist
travel Stacey Behrends travel Stacey Behrends

Travel - Trip Planning Guide w/Packing Checklist

Travel is an exhilarating way to discover new places and make unforgettable memories. Whether you're exploring a foreign country or your own hometown, planning a trip can be overwhelming if you don't know where to start. Fortunately, with the right research and preparation, you can create a travel itinerary that is both enjoyable and stress-free. As someone who loves the excitement of planning a trip, I believe that the anticipation of a fun adventure is one of the best parts of the entire journey. So, if you're looking to plan your next travel adventure, follow these tips for a successful and memorable trip!

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Top 3 Nutrition Tips
weightloss, nutrition tips, nutrition Stacey Behrends weightloss, nutrition tips, nutrition Stacey Behrends

Top 3 Nutrition Tips

With all of our options for food options with so many convenience foods. But in the United States, obesity is becoming an epidemic. In my previous nutrition post, I wrote about nutrition being more important than exercise. While both are important, your food affects you more than your exercise. So, you may hinder your progress if you are not eating with your fitness goals.

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5 Ways I Stay Motivated
fitness, fitness tips, active lifestyle, motivation Stacey Behrends fitness, fitness tips, active lifestyle, motivation Stacey Behrends

5 Ways I Stay Motivated

Starting and staying motivated to achieve health and fitness goals can be challenging. Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, or live a healthier lifestyle, committing to these goals is not easy.

Motivation comes and goes. You cannot always rely on having the motivation to work toward your fitness goals. However, a few things can help you stay on track.

First, get started. Sometimes, the hardest part is taking that first step. Once you do, it becomes easier to keep going.

Another key is to set a routine and stick to it. This can help you build momentum and make progress towards your goals.

Also, remember why you started in the first place. Whether it's to improve your health or feel more confident, keeping this motivation in mind can help you stay on track.

Finally, remember that the effort you put in today will benefit your future self. Make healthy choices a part of your daily routine to consistently achieve your health and fitness goals.

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How I Stay Active, Even When I Don’t Want To (Updated 2023)
healthy habits, active lifestyle, fitness Stacey Behrends healthy habits, active lifestyle, fitness Stacey Behrends

How I Stay Active, Even When I Don’t Want To (Updated 2023)

Like anyone, I always have days where I want to sit and binge the latest shows on various streaming platforms or scroll TikTok. But I know my body and mind like it much better when I am active. If I am sedentary for too long, I fall asleep more than I need to, or I get restless, and my mind starts to wander into negative headspace. Physical activity helps with this, probably more than I realized….

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Ultimate Beginners Guide to Yoga
yoga Stacey Behrends yoga Stacey Behrends

Ultimate Beginners Guide to Yoga

Have you heard someone talk about their yoga practice and wonder what that even means? In this two part series, I break down what yoga is as well as provide an ultimate beginners guide to yoga. In part one, I discuss the different styles of yoga and a brief history of where yoga even came from. Part two, I give you a list of recommended products and videos to get started at home.

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A Sunrise Hike
hiking, sunrise hike Stacey Behrends hiking, sunrise hike Stacey Behrends

A Sunrise Hike

The sense of accomplishment you feel for completing a sunrise hike is so great. Getting up early to hike up a mountain in the dark can be very rewarding when getting to the top just as it begins to get lighter and you feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. The colors in the sky begins to light up and colors begin to change. You see the yellows and golds mixed with pinks and purples on the horizon as the sun slowly begins to appear lighting up the sky even more. The colors change even more becoming more vibrant and the beauty makes the dark hike even more worth it

Completing a sunrise hike can be incredibly rewarding. Watching the sky change colors and feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin is a beautiful experience. If you're visiting Durango, Colorado, here are some hikes to plan for a stunning sunrise view. Even if you're not a morning person, you might find it surprisingly pleasant.

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5 Tips For Hiking with Dogs
hiking, backpacking, dogs, active lifestyle Stacey Behrends hiking, backpacking, dogs, active lifestyle Stacey Behrends

5 Tips For Hiking with Dogs

Taking your dog on a hike is an excellent way for you and your dog to get some activity in. Most dogs love being outside, and I know my dog does. Miss Lyla LOVES being outside. I do not have a yard to run around in, but we go on walks and lots of hikes to allow her to get her exercise in. Here are some tips for hiking safely with your dog.

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How I Stay Active, Even When I Don’t Want To
healthy habits, active lifestyle, fitness Stacey Behrends healthy habits, active lifestyle, fitness Stacey Behrends

How I Stay Active, Even When I Don’t Want To

Like anyone, I always have days where I just want to sit and binge the latest shows on Netflix. But I know that my body and mind likes it much better when I am active. If I am sedentary for too long, either I fall asleep more than I need to or I get restless and my mind starts to wonder into negative headspace. Physical activity definitely helps with this, probably more than I realized…..

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