Running and Knee Pain
running, workout tips, fitness tips Stacey Behrends running, workout tips, fitness tips Stacey Behrends

Running and Knee Pain

It's a common misconception that knee pain and running go hand in hand, but injury is often caused by improper form or overuse. When done correctly, running can help strengthen the knee joint muscles and improve joint health overall. To prevent knee pain, addressing these misconceptions and incorporating strength training or cross-training into your routine is important. Additionally, wearing the appropriate shoes, warming up and stretching, and gradually increasing your mileage are all necessary preventative measures. By following these tips, you can reduce your risk of knee pain and continue to enjoy the sport of running.

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How to Prioritize Exercise
exercise, workouts, fitness tips Stacey Behrends exercise, workouts, fitness tips Stacey Behrends

How to Prioritize Exercise

In today's fast-paced world, it can be tough to squeeze in some exercise despite its crucial role in maintaining good health. However, with a little prioritization, we can easily make time for physical activity.

Even 20 minutes of exercise can make a significant difference, and there are plenty of enjoyable activities to choose from, such as walking, dancing, or playing sports. Taking care of ourselves is essential to achieving a happier and healthier lifestyle.

Regular exercise benefits our physical health and supports mental well-being by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression and making us feel good in the long run.

So, let's make exercise a priority and take those small steps towards a healthier and happier life!

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The Importance of Resistance Training
fitness, resistance training, exercise, fitness tips Stacey Behrends fitness, resistance training, exercise, fitness tips Stacey Behrends

The Importance of Resistance Training

Strength training is good for us! It can help us build stronger muscles and burn more calories, even when not exercising. It's always wise to take care of our bodies and prevent health problems, and it's never too late to start. But before starting a new workout routine, especially if you've had health problems or injuries, it's essential to talk to a doctor. Plus, regular strength training can make our brains work better and improve our mental health.

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5 Ways I Stay Motivated
fitness, fitness tips, active lifestyle, motivation Stacey Behrends fitness, fitness tips, active lifestyle, motivation Stacey Behrends

5 Ways I Stay Motivated

Starting and staying motivated to achieve health and fitness goals can be challenging. Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, or live a healthier lifestyle, committing to these goals is not easy.

Motivation comes and goes. You cannot always rely on having the motivation to work toward your fitness goals. However, a few things can help you stay on track.

First, get started. Sometimes, the hardest part is taking that first step. Once you do, it becomes easier to keep going.

Another key is to set a routine and stick to it. This can help you build momentum and make progress towards your goals.

Also, remember why you started in the first place. Whether it's to improve your health or feel more confident, keeping this motivation in mind can help you stay on track.

Finally, remember that the effort you put in today will benefit your future self. Make healthy choices a part of your daily routine to consistently achieve your health and fitness goals.

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Why Diet Is More Important Than Exercise
nutrition tips, fitness, exercise Stacey Behrends nutrition tips, fitness, exercise Stacey Behrends

Why Diet Is More Important Than Exercise

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves more than just hitting the gym. Your diet plays a crucial role in achieving overall fitness goals. Even if you spend hours at the gym, a poor diet can undo all your hard work. To maintain a healthy weight, boost energy levels, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases, it is crucial to consume a diet rich in nutrients and low in processed foods. Relying on exercise alone to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight can be challenging and unsustainable in the long run. Therefore, prioritizing a balanced and healthy diet over the time spent in the gym is essential for optimal health and fitness.

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HIIT - What is it?
fitness, HIIT, workout type Stacey Behrends fitness, HIIT, workout type Stacey Behrends

HIIT - What is it?

We’ve all heard of HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training, right? But what comes to mind when you hear it? Burpees? Anyone? Sweaty quick movements? Yeah, those were my basic thoughts about HIIT. Like, just because you do HIIT workouts you’re going to get quick results, lose all the weight and then you’ll be shredded. Well, let me tell you that is wrong. While HIIT is a great workout to get a great effective workout done in a short amount of time, there is so much more than burpees to this style of training,

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My Current Workout Split
workout type, my workout, fitness Stacey Behrends workout type, my workout, fitness Stacey Behrends

My Current Workout Split

What is a workout split? This workout strategy splits your workouts during the week into different body parts. I like to have my leg days at least two days apart to promote recovery while I work on my upper body. I am also improving my cardiovascular endurance, so I am incorporating cardio into my strength training routine with the Nike Running Club App 18-week program for Training for a Marathon.

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